MammaBea & O’Learys
Just recently @wolt.lietuva organised this great campaign for travelling with taste. What was interesting/useful about that? For eaters’ convenience, Wolt distinguished 5 different countries and assigned restaurants in their app to those. Last month we wrote about Japan and Thailand and for this one we chose Italy
and USA
For Italian flavours, we really wanted to try out just recently opened @mammabea_official and their unique pizzas, which stand out from others in Vilnius. They are different because of the oblong shape and those fresh toppings. We tried Crudo e Rucola, Diavolo and Burratina.
All were crunchy, but different within each other: Crudo e Rucola – contains a lot of prosciutto crudo, rucola and parmesan cheese:
Diavolo – hotter and more fulfilling, includes chorizo, jalapenos and green leguminous pepper:
Burratina – the one we loved the most, includes tones of burrata cheese and fresh basil:
And then for the trip to the USA, we chose @olearysvilnius .
It’s an American sports bar, so it was a must to try their wings with parmesan and garlic:
Cheddar cheeseburger with fries:
And BBQ ribs:
Loads of sauces, cheese , fries and BBQ tastes – a true American classics!
Whether there is a distinction of countries in Wolt app, or not, we still recommend to explore new flavours, because learning new things liberates !